Savix Investor Information


Vision and Use Case

Savix’ main objective is to open a way to profit as easily as possible from new opportunities created by decentralized finance with as less barriers as possible. Savix can be your colateral for DeFi while keeping full flexibility of token usage.

Using Savix multiple opportunites can be combined simulaneously.

Savix is a good collateral for decentralized finance because, it is

➠Convenient, without any need for claiming your inflation shares

➠Flexible, being compatible with any Ethereum based DeFi project

➠Fair, adjusting balances “non-dilutively”, not preferring big holdings

➠Transparent, open-source, unambiguous and not manipulable supply

➠Stable, not creating selling incentives after locking periods

Unique Investment Proposition

➠ 85% balance increase in the first year

➠ Ready-to-run Product: Real time inflation/staking starts shortly after end of sale

➠ Very scarce supply of max. 100,000 tokens

➠ Long term “hype potential”: several additional developments ready to be implemented; flexible use as collateral enables profiting from new DeFi hypes arising

➠ Great growth potential due to broad target group: Ordinary DeFi users including beginners, not technically experienced only

➠ Discount of 20% for all tokens during presale

Token Value And ROI

Savix staking mechanics are designed so that the supply increase will be highest during the early project stages. While the height of this increase rewards will slowly be reduces by time the amount of partnerships with DeFi projects, for which SVX tokens can be used as collateral, will increase as well as the functionalities of the Savix DeFi dashboard will. The more time since Savix trading started will have passed the more of Savix tokens’ value will come from its ability serve as a payment and colateral currency for easy usage of DeFi products.

For a sample balance of 100 SVX the expected increase due to the embedded inflation mechanism within the first year will be:

Token Akquisition

Savix tokens (SVX) can be obtained in three ways:

➠ Presale / IEO 50–60 SVX / ETH (up to 20% discount)
➠ Uniswap liquiditiy pool (Public Sale) 50 SVX / ETH (Original Issue Price)
➠ Exchanges 50 SVX / ETH (Original Issue Price)

The introductory price of the SVX token at the market will be 50 SVX / ETH. A private sale will not be executed. Public presale will be spilt into three phases, each phase — and possible sub-phase — having different discounts and processors. The public sale will start at Uniswap first and then be extended to traditional exchanges for increasing the reach of the token.

Token Distribution & Budget Allocation

Savix is privately funded and already shows a working product with externally audited smart contracts. All contributions will be used for future development, marketing and partnerships. Unsold tokens will be moved to the ecosystem fund (see below).


➠5% Initial Public Presale
➠15% IEO Exmarkets
➠15% IEO Latoken
➠30% Unicrypt Presale
➠20% Uniswap Liquidity (Public Sale)
➠7% Ecosystem Fund
➠3% Bounty Program
➠5% Team

Budget Allocation

➠18% Uniswap Liquidity
➠7% Ecosystem Fund
➠40% Further Development
➠20% Marketing
➠15% Reserve

*The ecosystem fund is used for investments into the ecosystem, eg as guarantee for partnerships or as bonus for influencers.

Liquidity Pool

Shortly after the presale we will list Savix on Uniswap for public trading.

➠Initial Price: 1 ETH = 50 SVX
➠Estimated Liquidity (Presale Goal Reached): ~ 800.000 USD
(Depends on Ethereum volatility and presale results)
➠Estimated Market Cap: ~ 2.000.000 USD

The Uniswap Pool will be locked for 6 months, long enough to build trust with the community. Locking the pool longer than necessary represents a certain risk to the liquidity in case the Savix contract needs to be updated or migrated in the future.

Liquidity locking will be processed by, a professional service provider specialized on liquidity locking. Team tokens will be locked for 3–6 months as well, processed by,

Ecosystem Fund

An Ecosystem Fund in SVX and ETH will be maintained. This Fund will be used to incentivize long-term holding of Savix through various ways, for instance contests among holders, to engage influencers and to support partnerships with other DeFi projects . The fund will start with 7% of the total Savix supply and 7% of the amount of Ethereum raised in the presale.

Presale Procedure

The public presale will be carried out in three phases (see Tocenomics above):

➠Initial Public Presale (5%)
➠IEO Launchpads (30%)
➠Decentralized Unicrypt Launchpad (30%)

The advantage of executing the presale in cooperation with different partners is that the different resources and markets of the partners will complement each other:

➠User base and social environment (type of investors acquainted with the partner’s business strategy and technology)

➠Marketing resources and strategies

Combining these resources an estimated market cap of around 2.000.000 USD is aimed to be achieved at the start of public trading. This should be large enough to absorb smaller dumps of earlier holders trying to get their secure wins by the arbitrage between presale and market prizes. Since the staking mechanism starts directly at the start of trading at strong incentive to hold is set from the beginning.

Market Perspective:

The target group of ordinary DeFi users including beginners, not only technically experienced, combined with a very easy-to-use product opens up a very large market for potential future growth.

Marketing experience collected during the presale cooperation will enable a solid long term marketing strategy for Savix. Upcoming partnerships with other DeFi projects will support a steady flow of positive news and continuous feed of hype around the project.



Savix - automated gas-free staking

The Savix project aims at making decentralized finance products available to non-tech-savvy users. The Savix token enables gas-free automatic staking rewards.